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contoh kalimat in out

"in out" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The new remote came in. Out goes the old one.
    Remote baru masuk Keluar masuk yang lama.
  • I trust we don't have smokers in out class.
    Tidak ada perokok di kelas ini, kan? .
  • Open the barracks and let the bastards in out of the rain.
    Buka barak dan biarkan bajingan kehujanan.
  • Come on in out of the draft, boys.
    Layani negaramu. Ikutlah wajib militer nak.
  • She's advertising in out of town papers.
    Dia mengiklankannya di luar kota ini.
  • Flint and his band of renegades swooped in out of nowhere
    Flint dan kelompok pemberontaknya entah datang dari mana
  • Plenty of tackles flying in out there, and that's Guti.
    Banyak menangani terbang di luar sana, dan itu Guti.
  • But it's in, out, clean, or we fuck off.
    Tapi kita masuk dan keluar dg bersih atau kita celaka
  • In, out, no waiting around for nobody.
    , Keluar, jangan menunggu siapa pun.
  • Alright, it's come in out on the screen.
    Okay, ini tampak pada layar.
  • Tonight you're mine completely Come on in out of the cold, gentlemen. Have a seat.
    masuklah, tuan-tuan silahkan duduk.
  • You want to get in out of the cold?
    Ingin tempat yang hangat?
  • Oh, God. In, out, in, out!
    Oh, Tuhan. , Keluar, masuk, keluar!
  • Oh, God. In, out, in, out!
    Oh, Tuhan. , Keluar, masuk, keluar!
  • I don`t know how he`s going to fit in out there.
    Aku tidak tahu bagaimana dia bertahan di luar sana.
  • Come in out of the cold, heh.
    Masuklah! Masuklah. Di luar dingin!
  • Come on in out of the cold.
    Masuklah, di luar dingin.
  • In Out According to the official website.
    Pranala luar Situs resmi
  • How'd he swoop in out of nowhere and vanished without a trace?
    Bagaimana ia datang entah dari mana dan menghilang tanpa jejak?
  • Come in out of the cold.
    - Datang dari dingin.
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